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2018-08-07 10:23:53 网络整理 阅读:218 评论:0

虽然苹果公司的创始人“乔帮主”史蒂夫·布斯 (Steve Jobs) 已经去世7年,但他依然有着不容小觑的影响力。


而最近,他的女儿丽莎出了本回忆录《小人物》(Small Fry),又让乔布斯上了头条……


因为,这本书里曝光了大量乔布斯和女儿之间不为人知的“塑料女情”……Lisa Brennan-Jobs, a daughter of the longtime Apple CEO Steve Jobs, has published an excerpt from her coming memoir, "Small Fry" — and it contains heartbreaking details about her difficult relationship with her father.This is the first time Brennan-Jobs has written in depth about her father, who initially denied paternity and refused to pay child-support payments to her mother, Chrisann Brennan. Jobs died in 2011 at 56 of complications from pancreatic cancer.这本书的作者丽莎·布伦南-乔布斯(Lisa Brennan-Jobs)是乔布斯的大女儿。
